Digital Devils !

If I again continue my article Terrific Tenants now then I am sure my Blog Talkative Tongue’s Supporting Welcoming readers would really get astonishment. They would exclaim “Now itself Terrific Tenants? What is going on in Ritu Iyer’s new home? Tenant’s disturbance or adamant occupation? My dear readers our tenants are very slowly progressing in their serious mission of sharing my residence with them. Now my son’s and my Daughter’s Digital Instruments are under their capture.

How? Let me tell. Throughout the day from morning 7 A.M to evening 6 P.M they continuously enter into our rooms via windows and directly go to the computers and Laptops and the Key board. In the beginning only one pigeon showed its courage in sitting over the computer screen, Key board, Laptop and the Engineering Mathematics Advanced Level Books which are like Treasure to all. Then second, then third, now a lot of pigeons are always sitting over the key Boards and the digital elements. What are my thoughts dear readers? Everything is going Digital.

The Tenants Sitting On Our PC and Books!

My Pigeons are also perhaps operating digital items for communication and sharing details. In the olden days as we see in films and stories, pigeons were the one and the only birds who were doing the job of messengers between people. They reached the letters from one Nation to Another Nation even.

Now in our Beloved Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s cash free India, Digital India everything is Digital. So my house’s non Rent giving but adamantly living with us pigeons are now sitting over the Computer Key Boards shows that now letter reaching can’t be done by today’s modern digital pigeons. So they have become Computerized Pigeons in our Computerized India. Will we ever get back our digital items free of our tenants loving legs and beaks? They make even strange  noises by sitting over our computers laptops and Engineering books.

My question to my readers is this: Are they i.e., are our Terrific Tenants blue Pigeons following our P.M’s dream slogan Digital India?

Please if you say “Yes” I would like to see it in your views.


Ritu Iyer,
